Our Background
In her career Anne McCarthy has had extensive experience of leading change, seeing it as an opportunity to do interesting work and make a difference to people, teams and organisations.
She has worked on change projects in a variety of settings from unionised environments to financial services and found that remarkably, the lessons are similar even when the context differs.
Anne’s other specialty is in developing the capability of leaders. Having worked in association with a world renowned business school, she continues to grow her knowledge in this area and it is this combination of academic knowledge and practical experience that enable her to make a difference to the organisation she works with.
Driven by a desire to share this knowledge, she set up Anne McCarthy Associates in 2019 to take her deep learning from these experiences and pass it on to other organisations, leaders and teams in overcoming the challenges of leading in the 21st century.
Together with a diverse range of associates Anne is now working with leaders in organisations on a wide range of organisation development needs.

Three things people say about working with Anne…